The functionality can be also accessed via the context menu. UI: double-clicking on a item in the session list will pop up a dialog with security information about the session.It is possible to select the specific parts of the configuration that are to be exported or imported. UI: the server configuration can now be exported to a file and imported into another server.UI: the main window position and size is now remembered across different runs.MSW: the installer now offers to keep the existing service configuration of a previously installed FileZilla Server whose release must be above or equal to 1.6.0.Fixed an issue in the networking code when dealing with TLS close_notify alerts.MSW: the installer now works properly also if the uninstaller from a previous installation has been deleted.

Fixed potential issues with locking of mutexes in the administration protocol.

The log file now contains the flavour and version number at the top.Implemented automatic checking of the availability of new releases, configurable via Configuration dialog in the Administration Interface.Print error message in log if hostname lookup fails while preparing data connection for passive mode.FileZilla Server 1.7.0-rc2 () Bugfixes and minor changes: